Sunday, 18 September 2011

At the end of a life that has meaning, the point is not that one is

perfected, but that one will still carry a view of self and the

world that is divine—and not just some kind of lazy drift. The
point is to have enough stories that guide —that will allow life's
closing act to end with one's heart still bright, despite the gales
that have passed through it —so that it can be said that one has
lived with spiritual audacity.
Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

Yesternight, I cried.

Monday, 25 July 2011

3rd Night

of successive dreams.
*1 or perhaps--- it has to do with your boyfriend sharing my same interests.
What's worse of all this, is not the dreams, but the fact that every bit of information you provide, are things I've already checked out, as if your mind and mine are somehow arriving to the same information in a strange delayed way.*1

And you keep appearing, haunting me. I am haunted by my own mind, with a external image. Bount to that image...

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Sigo teniendo recaidas, las llamas del presente solo hacen saltar mas alto las sombras del pasado.
Ya no necesito mirar tanto tus fotos...
Se que tu recuerdo me trae todos los sentimientos que puedo tener.
Solo quiero oir tu banjo reverberar en respuesta a tu recuerdo, quiero libertad, quiero volver a sentir la intensidad de esa vibración.
En la oscuridad extender mi brazo tocarte la cara.

Me encantaria hablar con vos, Laura.
Pero no estoy listo, cuando sea el momento cuando la funesta fecha caiga, haré el viaje, solo.

Solo puedo confiar en que tengas tantas cosas en tu vida para evadir el dolor como yo. Eso me gustaria pensar, pero no puedo evadir la sensación de que no lo necesitas, que adolesces nada por mi, blah blah blah, puedo seguir hablando, pero tengo tarea, mucha, siempre. Es lo unico que tengo. Tarea.